Legal aid including judicial and extrajudicial consulting on the matters of:
– Civil law
– Commercial law
– International law
– Private law
– Company law
– Industrial law
– National contract management: Drafting and assistance related to negotiating commercial contracts: Agency, distribution, supply of goods and services, contracts, patent and know-how licences, software, industrial and intellectual property.
– International contract management : We provide services in Italian, English, German and French. Drafting and assistance related to negotiating international commercial contracts: Agency, distribution, supply of systems and machinery, joint-ventures, turnkey contracts, supply of services, patent licences, brands, know-how, software, industrial and intellectual property. We also provide personnel TRAINING services on matters such as national and international contract management, including programmes targeting personnel in the purchase and administration offices.
– Credit protection: Debt-collecting services.
– Civil liability .
– Industrial negotiations, in a foreign language when necessary (English, German and French)
– Labour law:
– Corporate contract management: LEGAL AUDITING: Checking the suitability of the contractual instruments implemented by the company, the correct application of tax and customs’ legislation and the regulations concerning processing private information (privacy law) to improve the effectiveness and efficiency of the corporate processes.
– Industrial property rights.
– Competition rights Abuse of dominant position, concentration of companies in EC and Italian legislation, horizontal and vertical agreements, the consequences of agreements restricting competition, prohibited and subjected to conditions concentrations.
– Arbitration: Provisions of the code, special legislation, regulations and procedures. Ms. Maioli was recently appointed an arbitrator on controversies involving contract management of high value.
– Corporate transactions: Providing consulting services on CORPORATE and ADMINISTRATIVE matters, assistance in negotiating corporate, shareholding, joint-venture and acquisition agreements and insolvency proceedings.
– Tax and fiscal assistance – including related training services for administrative personnel.
– International fiscal assistance – Planning and organising the international layout of groups of enterprises and constituting the necessary institutions in the related countries in collaboration with experts on tax matters in the areas involved.
– Family, company and property – Organisation and strategies of the family business, management of generational corporate transition, delicate balances between psychology, law and economics, planning corporate strategy and property succession: Contracts, statutes, family rules and pacts, marriage and property. Which system – joint property or separation of property? Conflicts of interest amid sentimental problems and economic assessments.
– Safety at work: Studio Legale Maioli provides various services on the matter of SAFETY AT WORK. The consulting and training services provided have been adapted in light of Italian legislation (Italian Law. no. 123/07 and Italian Consolidated Leg. Decree no. 81/08) so that companies can modify their organisation, management and control models. By examining the existing documents and studying specific problems, we can provide CONSULTING to companies and help them draft new documents, and specifically delegation of duties and responsibilities so they can delegate roles and responsibilities internally. We can follow companies in drafting and negotiating procurement contracts and the related risk-assessment document for interference tied to contract work. We assist companies in their relations with supervisory authorities (local health authorities, workers inspectorate, fire brigade) and guarantee constant updating in compliance with legislation. TRAINING services concerning workplace safety and workers’ health protection have also been updated and renewed. We guarantee that we are focused on the needs of the different sectors of production and on the linguistic needs of workers. English and French training programs are also available. Teaching is done on-site on company premises based on schedules and programs previously agreed with the companies.